PmurT DlanoD 

I know I know its frustrating! how the hell do we get rid of the evil imp who sits in the 'Oval Office' these days?  Well, Superman managed to get rid of his PITA by getting him to say his name backward. You never know it might work...

New Single COWGIRL KISS released Feb 27th 

Hi friends the first single of 2017 will be released on 27th February. The band ride into town with a message for the pharmaceutical driven pill popping world - get on your feet, dump the pills 'cause they're making you ill, try natural remedies to fix your head and start dancing again.  

What Langaland Festival thought of The Papers 

From the feedback we received it was clear that you guys were one of the best and most enjoyed acts. Certainly most people were not expecting to encounter the quality and professionalism which you guys had by the bucketload. We'd absolutely love to have you back, and would be very proud to announce to our fans that you'll be back for a second year

Put Trump in the dump 

No doubt Clinton will win the USA election but a problem will remain. Trump, like Farage in the UK, has given a legit platform to racists, white supremacists, homophobes and misogynists. Not only that, he has hinted that his supported could solve the problem of losing the election by shooting Clinton. This is the politics of violence, the black shirts, the gun lobby. We are 3 months out from the election – what is Trump going to advocate next that will be taken as justifiable action by some of his…

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A new substance has been found: #Corbynite.  It reveals the truth, sticks to its principles and does not bend or break under pressure. It also spreads equality of opportunity, talks sense and supports the rise of communities.   Prime minister material I'd say.

Brexit: a lesson in how to how to cheat and win 

When Diego Maradona raised his hand to flick the ball past Gordon banks at the 1970 world cup he ensured England’s departure.  His technique, sleight of hand, deception and lies was revealed by the replay of the event. They cheated, but they won, that happens in sport, no-one died. Now the 3 Brexteeres, Gove , Johnson and Farage, using similar techniques have bamboozled the British public into voting out of Europe. As we replay the events of the campaign it has become clear what the real story is…

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New track 'A Matter Of Justice' 

The Papers release a new track for 2016 'A Matter Of Justice' a song about the move to dilute The Bill Of Human Rights. We say no way. It took 2000 years to get this far, we aren't about to turn tail now. This track was recorded live in one take. It will be available from January 6th.


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Exeter Respect Festival 2024 - The Papers

 — (UTC-12) — (UTC-12)

Exeter Belmont Park, Belmont Road, Exeter, Devon

ABOUT EXETER RESPECT Exeter Respect is the city’s annual celebration of diversity where we use the performing and creative arts to engage the wider community in saying no to racism and all forms of prejudice. The Respect ethos is a simple one: racism and prejudice often spring from fear, and fear is often based on ignorance, so let’s overcome ignorance by getting to know one another and sharing not shunning our cultures. One of the best ways to get to know someone is to enjoy yourself with them, hence our celebratory event and adoption of the old Commission for Racial Equality slogan:

All Different, All Equal! The first Exeter Respect festival took place in 1997 and there has been a celebration virtually every year since then. From 2003 to 2008 Exeter Respect’s biggest event was at Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre, but from 2009 to the present day our focus has been a giant two day festival in Belmont Park, with a footfall of around 20,000 people every year.

Exeter Respect is returning to Belmont Park for 2024 on Saturday 08 and Sunday 09 June, we look forward to seeing you there. The Papers play at 1.00pm until 2:00pm on Saturday 8th JUNE. Entrance each day minimum £2.00 per person. Donations accepted. Festival starts at 12:00pm each day. Finishes at 7:00 pm

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