Welcome friends. You have found The Papers  The Rock Reggae antidote to reality TV, greed, boredom, manufactured music and corrupt politicians.  Checkout the videos of the band below taking a musical hammer to the world of fear and loathing. Load your smartiebox and feel free to share. Love you love music x

Click below for YOU TUBE videos!!!

NEWS !! Next Release: Four track EP entitled 'No More Rich And Poor' Release date 14 November 2022. Check it out on Spotify and all streaming services. 


In a world going crazy with greed we say no more. Tracks: 1. No More Rich And Poor , 2. Money And The Moolah, 3. Free Time Out, 4. Get Up Stand Up (Bob Marley, Peter Tosh).



Our take on an old Irish traditional song - Whiskey In The Jar.  Relese date 20 January 2021 to celebrate the inauguration of US President-elect Jo Biden, a son of Irish emigrees from County Mayo. Biden brings fresh hope for our planet and humanity, standing up for peace in Eire and Ulster as enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement. He brings the peace, we bring the music. A date for your diaries!

See the mad mad video, the single that asks you if your taking the right medecine!!!

2020 Single  'In Vienna' It’s packed into every nook and cranny, but you have to look. Go beyond theusual “here is the history of the hats burgers” (who did not wear hats and didn’t eat burgers) and instead hit the weird and the obscure. So this is the song. A love that came to nothing. A dream that ended before it began. Like most art in fact.

Single 2020 'Here Comes The World Again' Check out the fun video below. Head to the music page for FREE download. (time limited)



soundcloud link - free download of track:





Click below for The New Album 'PAINTBOX' and the new single 'The Only One I See Is Me'


BUY the NEW Album HERE!  

STREAM new tracks on  SPOTIFY HERE! 


The band are recording and are playing live again. Stay in touch by signing up to the EMAIL list over on the right and we'll let you know dates and gigs, new tracks, free stuff and fun as soon as they're ready! 


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Playing Live!! Exeter Respect Festival Saturday June 8th 2024 1:00pm

Latest Single - Calculator 2023.

It's tough finding love these days. Can we even trust that our pleas are being read by a breathing human? Or is the collision of AI and dating  bringing us to a new hell on earth. Jump to spotify and load up your playlist then swipe to play..

Calculator 2023

AI dating and hell

Is it real, finding love in a modern world...

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Join the email list to hear from us and claim your free download!!

Hey sign up here!


An interview with John Fitzsimons of The Papers about their new EP and the history of the band.” - Nigel Tant ExmouthAIR Radio

ExmouthAIR mixcloud

Great Version (of Whiskey In The Jar)” - Michael Nangle

Youtube post